We have been studying the Book of II Peter in our Wednesday evening Bible class. Several times in chapter one, Peter uses the word “remembrance.” He didn’t want the church to forget some important elements of our Christian faith. Neither did He want them to forget what God had done in their lives.
As humans, we are so prone to forget. God knows this. That’s the purpose of the rainbow, the Passover celebration, the stones in the Jordan River, the Old Testament feasts, and so on. And we know the New Testament sacrament of communion is for the purpose of stirring up our remembrance of the Cross and Blood of Jesus.
I don’t want to forget. I don’t want to forget what God has done in my life. I don’t want to forget about His grace that lifted me out of my mess. I don’t want to forget where He has brought me from nor the promises of where He is taking me.
So what does forgetfulness have to do with Thanksgiving? Forgetfulness leads to unthankfulness. People who are unthankful have usually just forgotten – forgotten their blessings and where those blessings came from. Unthankful people have usually just forgotten what their lives were like before Jesus changed them.
A mind that is filled with reflection on what God has done produces a heart that is thankful. Someone asked me just today, “Do we really know how to live thankfully?” I believe the way to live a thankful life is to often reflect on what God has done in our lives.
Thank you. Those are two very powerful words. Freely speaking them to the people in our lives brings encouragement and satisfaction to those people. Let’s not forget to offer those words often to God as well. The Lord has done so much for us that if we told the Lord “Thank You” each day, it would not be too much. During this Thanksgiving season and throughout the year, let us daily “…Give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.” (1 Chronicles 16:34)
-Pastor Ball
Ps 75:1 – Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks , unto thee do we give thanks : for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare. KJV
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