We started off the New Year at FAC with an incredible time of prayer, fasting and consecration. Each day for 7 days, the largest crowds we’ve ever had at prayer meetings gathered together at the church to pray. It was a time of deep spiritual re-alignment and re-focus. The presence of God we sensed each evening was truly amazing. The spiritual impact that week made on us individually and as a church was immeasurable.
We termed that week a “First Fruit week of Prayer and Consecration.” Borrowing from the idea of the Old Testament First Fruit Offering, we committed to giving to God our first week of the year in prayer and consecration. We did it in faith – believing that by giving Him the “first part” of our year in a special season of spiritual consecration, we invited His blessings on the remainder of the year.
As I was praying that week, I was reminded of how important prayer is and how God has called FAC to be a church of prayer. We know what prayer can do! Knowing that starting off the year with a week of prayer would bring all sorts of spiritual blessings throughout 2014, I thought, “Why not start each month with a special season of prayer?” The more I thought about it, the stronger I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit. I really felt God directing us to start each month of 2014 with 3 days of prayer, fasting and consecration. Just imagine how that will set the spiritual tone for each new month.
We’re going to give to God a “First Fruit” offering of prayer and consecration on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of each new month. We’ll meet nightly at 7 pm at the church to pray. I encourage you to also spend some or all of those 3 days fasting. Let us answer the call of God to pray! Let us “consecrate ourselves today, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among us!” (Joshua 3:5) God is going to do great things 2014 at FAC and starting each month with a season of prayer will help all of be spiritually in tune and ready for His will to be done in us and through us!
God Bless!
~Pastor Ball
*whenever the 1st, 2nd or 3rd day of the month is a Sunday, we will meet at 8am to pray on that Sunday. When the 1st, 2nd or 3rd falls on any other day of the week, prayer will be at 7pm.
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