We’re excited that you plan to visit FAC! It’s one thing to read about our church on a website—it’s another to experience FAC for yourself. You may be wondering, “What can I expect as a guest at FAC?” We know it can be somewhat awkward and intimidating visiting a new church. You may not know anyone or know what to expect. Below we have answered some questions that guests often ask:
[accordion_content title=”When are FAC’s church services?” title_size=”h3″]Weekend services at FAC are on Sunday mornings at 10 AM at our Carmel campus, and Sunday afternoons at 2:42 PM at our Sheridan campus. On Wednesday evenings at our Carmel campus, LifeGroups, General Bible Study, Youth Service and Kid’s Church begin at 7:30 PM.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”How do I get to FAC?” title_size=”h3″]FAC Carmel: Our Carmel campus is located at 1212 East 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032. We are on 116th Street just east of the Monon Trail, approximately mid-way between Keystone Avenue and U.S. 31 (Meridian Street).
FAC Sheridan: Our Sheridan campus is located at 603 South White Avenue Sheridan, IN 46069. White Avenue is the same at S.R. 38. Our facility is in the heart of Sheridan, right on S.R. 38, just north-west of the four-way-stop intersection of S.R. 38 and S.R. 47.
Our Carmel campus service typically lasts one hour and forty-five minutes. Our Sheridan campus service generally lasts an hour to an hour and a half.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”What should I wear?” title_size=”h3″]At FAC, people will be dressed in a wide variety ways. There will be people wearing anything from jeans and t-shirts to their Sunday best. Feel free to wear whatever is comfortable to you. You will not feel out of place regardless of your attire.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”What should I bring?” title_size=”h3″]If you have a Bible, we encourage you to bring it. Don’t worry if you forget – all scriptures will be clearly displayed on our multimedia screen. We encourage you also to bring a notepad and pen to write down many of the helpful things you will hear during the practical teaching and preaching.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”What will happen when I first arrive?” title_size=”h3″]Upon arriving you will find our Parking Lot Attendants available to help you find a parking space. Our main entrance will be clearly marked with visible signage. You will be greeted and made comfortable by our entire Guest Services Team. From the time you arrive on the campus, you will find many friendly people ready to answer any questions or assist you in any way.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”Where will my children go?” title_size=”h3″]When you arrive, there will be signage directing your children to our SuperChurch service which is located in our multi-purpose room. Kid’s SuperChurch runs simultaneously with our adult worship service which is in the main sanctuary. After SuperChurch, children will be accompanied to their Sunday School class which runs simultaneously with the preaching in the sanctuary.
If your children are uncomfortable going to SuperChurch or Sunday School, feel free to bring them in the sanctuary with you. SuperChurch is for children ages 4-10. Sunday School is for ages 2-12. For those under the age of two, nursery care is provided during the preaching portion of the church service.
At the conclusion of the service, children may be picked up in the multi-purpose room or in the nursery if they are under two.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”Am I expected to put money in the offering?” title_size=”h3″]If you are visiting with us, we do not expect you to put money in the offering and you are welcome to just let the plate pass you by. If you consider Faith Apostolic Church your church home, we expect you to prayerfully consider giving to FAC. You can give either by cash or check during the service, or you may easily contribute through the online giving section of our website.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”What is the worship service like?” title_size=”h3″]Our music genres range from contemporary to gospel with some traditional mixed in. We have a full band, with some of the best musicians around, a praise team, and a choir that are outstanding.
During our church services, you will see people worshiping God in a variety of ways. Worship is typically energetic and spirited. We encourage you to worship God in whatever way you feel comfortable.
At FAC, we do our best to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We do not always follow a schedule or program. This is one of the greatest qualities of FAC. Making room for the Holy Spirit is a priority to us.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”What is the rest of service like?” title_size=”h3″]During the service, the congregation may be invited to pray. Don’t be alarmed if you hear people praying out loud. Some people pray quietly; others pray aloud with great passion. However you are comfortable praying is just fine!
One of the highlights of the service is the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Our pastor preaches with a lot of passion and energy. We feel confident that his message will be both inspiring and relevant to your life.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”How will the service end?” title_size=”h3″]At the conclusion of the message, people will generally respond by seeking after God through prayer and worship. Some will come to the front and others may pray at their seats. While everyone is encouraged to respond to God’s Spirit and Word, don’t worry – you will never feel pressure from us. We want everyone to seek after God at his or her own pace.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”What will happen after the service?” title_size=”h3″]At the conclusion of the service, all new and returning guests are encouraged to stop by the Guest Reception, which is located in the Pastor’s office. Signs in the foyer will direct you to the location, which is directly off the main hallway. At this reception, you can enjoy a fresh beverage and light snack. You will also be given the opportunity to meet the pastoral staff and other church members. Before you leave, you will receive a small gift as a token of our appreciation for your visit.
The week following your visit, you will receive a letter and a personal phone call from the Pastor thanking you for your visit. He will be happy to answer any questions or pray with you regarding any needs you may have.[/accordion_content]
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