How Will I Vote?

My one and only post about the 2012 Presidential Election:

How will I vote?

I will vote for the candidate who most closely demonstrates and promotes biblical morals and values because righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverbs 14:34)

I will vote for the most pro-life candidate, because God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17).

I will vote for the most pro-marriage candidate, because God is for marriage as defined in Genesis 2:24.

I will vote for the most pro-Israel candidate, because God blesses those who bless Israel & curses those who don’t (Genesis 12:3).

I will vote for the most pro-debt reduction candidate, because the borrower is servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7).

I will vote for the candidate who best encourages initiative, responsibility of individuals and a strong work ethic because God says if a man will not work, let him not eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

I will vote for the candidate who most closely believes government’s purpose is to reward the good & punish the evil (Romans 13).

Please prayerful consider your choice and don’t forget to vote this Tuesday!

Prayer Revival Update

We just wrapped up a seven-week long Prayer Revival at FAC! We had great crowds turn out each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings during the entire Prayer Revival. It’s amazing the things that have already happened in our church and in people’s lives because of this season of focused prayer. Things happen when we pray! We know this is true, yet seeing it first hand is so encouraging and exciting.

We have already had testimonies of healing, renewal, restoration and deliverance in the last seven weeks. We have baptized seven people during the prayer revival including a local pastor who came to the revelation of Jesus Name Baptism and has since baptized others in his congregation in Jesus Name! People we haven’t seen or heard from in a long time have been back to church or shared with us that God has been drawing them back to Him. Everyone who has participated in Prayer Revival has grown closer to God and gone deeper in the Spirit. It has rekindled our prayer lives and our desire to spend time in the presence of God. The Prayer Revival has also brought fresh fire and passion to our church services. It’s truly amazing what happens when we pray.

While it was a sacrifice for those who gathered week after week, the investment has already paid off a thousand times over. And we are sure that many blessings and answers are still to come.

Even though our special prayer services have concluded, let us be diligent in keeping prayer a part of our daily lives. Even though we are not meeting at the church each night to pray together, don’t fail to spend time on your own each day in prayer and devotion. I trust the Prayer Revival’s most lasting impact will be that whetted our appetites for a deeper, more disciplined, daily prayer life.

—Pastor Ball

November 2012 Events Calendar

Sure you can keep up with our events online, but sometimes it’s nice to have a copy to hang on the fridge! Hit the button below to download the latest FAC Events Calendar:

[button url=”#” size=”Large” arrow=”right”]November 2012 Events[/button]

Fall 2012 Life Groups

The following Life Groups are currently underway at Faith Apostolic Church:

Can We Talk? Soul-stirring Conversations with God by Priscilla Shirer – $11

This women’s Bible study provides a personal study experience that delivers familiar spiritual disciplines through a fresh, new method of teaching. As women respond to a variety of biblical passages, prompted by thought-provoking questions, they’ll develop a Christ-focused view on important issues and experience a closer walk with their Creator.

This study uses a four step approach—Pore & Paraphrase; Pull Out; Pose; and Plan & Pin—provide a way to thoroughly examine each Scripture passage. This method allows the reader to find the key principles in each Scripture and then relate them to a broad topic, while using the passage to reflect on her own walk with the Father.

Kingdom Man: Every Man’s Destiny, Every Woman’s Dream by Dr. Tony Evans – $12

This is a Bible study for adult men. This study is designed to empower men to exercise the God-given dominion they were created for by giving them a Kingdom understanding, vision, and perspective on their identity and responsibilities along with practical steps on how to become a man who rules his world well.

Our culture has redefined manhood by emasculating men through a repositioning of the role. Men are portrayed as weak, self-serving, and unfocused. The Bible clearly communicates that man was created to exercise dominion over the various areas of his life, taking responsibility for himself and others entrusted to his care. When a man functions within the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. This study challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God, learning to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ.

It’s Not Too Late: How God Uses Less-than-Perfect People by Dr. Tony Evans – $12

This study provides a personal study experience. If you’ve ever wondered, Is it too late for God to do something with me? this study is for you. God frequently uses broken people to accomplish His purposes on earth. A broken person who has learned dependence on God is a force to be reckoned with. This six-session study looks at three men and three women of the Bible who were used mightily by God despite their previous mistakes. You too can learn to focus on the potential of your future, not the missteps of your past.

Feast: Finding Your Place at the Table of Tradition – $8

This is a Bible study that focuses on the major feasts of the Jewish calendar and the celebratory design of God’s plan. Integrating Jewish and Christian perspectives, this study addresses the present-day church culture that is driven by work and less on celebration. Participants prepare in advance by answering discussion questions that drive the sessions. At the end of each session, a section will point participants to articles, blogs, and Web sites to help them move beyond the scope of the session.

Free from Bondage God’s Way: A Study of the Book of Galatians by Kay Arthur – $7

This exciting inductive study series brings readers face-to face with the truth of God’s precepts, promises, and purposes–in just minutes a day!