Our theme at FAC for the New Year is “Back to the Basics.” Life can be complicated. The challenges we face every day are not usually simple. In our pursuit of the abundant life that Jesus promised, we often search for solutions and approaches that are as complicated as those challenges of life that we face! The irony is that our spiritual success is usually found in giving ourselves to the basics of Christianity. The simple aspects of being His disciple is usually were the victory is found!
Jesus taught in Matthew 22:40 that the entirety of the Law and Prophets can be summed up with this:
– Love God with all Your Heart
– Love your Neighbor as Yourself
Throughout the New Year our preaching and teaching will be focused on 5 themes that stem from loving God and loving our neighbor: Prayer, devotion, faithfulness (loving God), serving and sharing our faith (loving our neighbor). Getting back to the basics of our Christian faith will bring spiritual growth to our lives, families and church. The basics of Christianity are where we find joy, peace and fulfillment. In 2013, it’s “Back to the Basics!”
1 Comment
I’m ready for the basics again. Life seems to always get in the way of the daily plan God has for our life. Thanks pastor, continue to lead us back to the basics, that’s where revival will propagate.