February Calendar

[button url=”http://faithapostolic.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/February-2013.pdf” target=”_blank” arrow=”right”]February 2013 Events[/button]

Uganda Update

On January 1st – 11th, 2013, A group of 37 people, including 7 from Faith Apostolic Church traveled to Uganda to conduct a Vacation Bible School at the orphanage that our church is connected with in Kachomo.

IMG_1086Our Ugandan Vacation Bible School mission has now been completed and I want to report that the Lord is doing a great work in that nation! Our prayer going into this mission was that God would pour out His Spirit and that He would use us to see the orphans and the people of Uganda get baptized in Jesus’ Name. By the end of the week, our team was blessed with the opportunity to baptize 209 souls in Jesus’ Name. Many of the 209 people baptized were children and orphans who are attending our newly-built Hope Refuge School in the village of Kachomo.

Every year our team raises funds and awareness of the work that is going on in Uganda. This year we were able to raise 42,000 dollars. These funds will go toward meeting many of the needs of the orphans, teachers and churches in eastern Uganda. More specifically, the funds will put concrete on the floors in our existing buildings at the school and build one or two new building on the twenty-five-building complex. The funds also helped us purchase more farm land around the school. Our team has also been in contact with a NGO, which is similar to a not-for-profit in the USA that is called “Farming God’s Way.” This NGO will teach and train the leaders working with Bishop Wayabire on how to farm and cultivate the land to maximize a greater yield of crops. One of our goals is to get the school in Kachomo to a point where they are self-sustaining. Once this training and farming is completed, the farm will begin to produce food to feed the children attending our school.IMG_1190

The 42,000 dollars donated also funded the launching of a sponsorship program called “Helping Hands.” We currently have thirty-six children
sponsored at thirty-five dollars a month. This program has been a tremendous blessing to the orphans. I want to personally say thank you to all the sponsors we already have. However, we are looking to sponsor an additional fifty children in 2013. Thirty-five dollars a month will help feed and clothe them as well as send the child to school. This is a great way for you to make a difference in a child’s life and help our ALJC of Uganda work!

God did so many wonderful things on this missions trip. Of course the greatest thing was God pouring out His Spirit and moving on the hearts of the people to get baptized. I also want to share a testimony of how great our team was this year when it came to reaching souls. One night we were all back at the hotel in Kampala and our guest speaker this year, Sis. Vickie Oliver, was using her phone outside of the public restroom. She heard a lady yelling for help from the restroom. She was locked in the restroom and unable to get out! Sis. Oliver came and got me and we went to get the hotel manager to help the lady get out of the stall. The young lady was able to get out. We felt bad for her so we pitched in and bought her dinner. While she was eating, we all sat down with her and gave her a Bible study about being born again. She stopped eating and we prayed for her. Then one of our team members compelled her to get baptized that night at the hotel. She agreed to be baptized so we took her to one of the rooms. The ladies prayed for her and, before she got baptized, she was filled with the Holy Ghost. Taylor Fairbanks then baptized her in the bathtub in Jesus’ Name. Our team was so excited that they decided to go witness to one of the hotel workers. They prayed with her, God filled her with the Holy Ghost and they took her to the room and baptized her in Jesus’ Name! All of this happened on the last night of our trip. We all believed it was the Lord just stirring our hearts again to reach souls all over the world no matter what the cost.

IMG_1159Thank you again for all your prayers and to all the churches and individuals who were able to give to our Hope Refuge School in 2012. If you would like to give to the orphanage in Uganda, you can do so on this website under our online giving section.
We are looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in Africa this year! God bless you.

– Pastor Josh Wilson

Back to the Basics

Our theme at FAC for the New Year is “Back to the Basics.”  Life can be complicated.  The challenges we face every day are not usually simple.  In our pursuit of the abundant life that Jesus promised, we often search for solutions and approaches that are as complicated as those challenges of life that we face!  The irony is that our spiritual success is usually found in giving ourselves to the basics of Christianity.  The simple aspects of being His disciple is usually were the victory is found!

Basics_Preview_1Jesus taught in Matthew 22:40 that the entirety of the Law and Prophets can be summed up with this:

     – Love God with all Your Heart

     – Love your Neighbor as Yourself

Throughout the New Year our preaching and teaching will be focused on 5 themes that stem from loving God and loving our neighbor: Prayer, devotion, faithfulness (loving God), serving and sharing our faith (loving our neighbor).  Getting back to the basics of our Christian faith will bring spiritual growth to our lives, families and church.  The basics of Christianity are where we find joy, peace and fulfillment.  In 2013, it’s “Back to the Basics!”

The New Year

We just finished up our annual Ten Days of Prayer & Consecration. What a great way to start a new year!

So many great things happened during our season of prayer. The Lord really did a work of restoring much-needed joy, peace and unity to our church. But what I took away more than anything from this season of prayer was an overwhelming sense of excitement and anticipation about 2013. I realize that I’m the eternal optimist and you may be saying right now, “Oh, Pastor, I’ve hear this every January!” But this sense of anticipation is widespread throughout the church. It’s amazing how many people have shared with me how they feel the same thing.

Not only has the last ten days been awesome, but in the last 6 weeks the level of intensity in worship, unity, prayer and spiritual gifts in our services has been really, REALLY good. If the last 6 weeks and the first ten days of the year is any indication of what’s in store for us in 2013, you’d better fasten your seat-belt and get ready for a year of unprecedented growth and revival!

newyearGod wants YOU to be a part of what He is going to do in 2013. I believe this can be the BEST YEAR ever of your walk with GOD! I believe God can do amazing in you and in your family.

At FAC we are committed to helping you reach your fullest potential as a Christian. I want to do everything I can as your pastor to equip and empower you to be what God has called you to be.

Don’t stay on the sidelines! Make a commitment today to put God and FAC first in your life. Make a decision today that you and your family will jump in and be involved and faithful. Make the weekend service at FAC and mid-week Bible study a priority this year.

2012 is gone.  We’ve turned the page on the old and have begun a new chapter. Regardless of our mistakes, regrets, failures or inconsistencies of the past, today is the first day of the rest of this new year.  Let us fully embrace and commit to what God desires do through us in 2013!  May we give ourselves wholly and completely to His purpose.

This Sunday, I’ll be preaching about the “Restoration of Joy.” Don’t miss out on what the Lord is sure to do among us. I’ll see you Sunday.one. We’ve turned the page on the old and have begun a new chapter. Regardless of our mistakes, regrets, failures or inconsistencies of the past, today is the first day of the rest of this new year. Let us fully embrace and commit to what God desires do through us in 2013! May we give ourselves wholly and completely to His purpose.

– Pastor Ball


Welcome to our new website!

man-looking-at-computer-screen-jpgTHANKS for taking a few minutes to check out our new website.  We don’t think it’s just a coincidence that you’ve found us!  Faith Apostolic Church is an awesome place to belong and we want to show you why.  We are a church of ordinary people who are passionate about living and sharing the extraordinary life that comes through Jesus Christ!

Browsing through our web pages is a great way to find out a little more info, but to REALLY experience what we’re all about, you need to be our guest at one of our upcoming worship services.  You will be welcomed by warm and friendly people, be drawn into the presence of God through authentic worship and encouraged by some great preaching and teaching from God’s Word. I hope to meet you soon. -Pastor Ball

Moving Forward

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14 (KJV)

They were small and barely noticeable, these two co-conspirators, as they stood at the counter huddled together. Their heads bent at a slight tilt toward each other as if they were drawing confidence from each another.

“Double cheeseburg-er!” called out the woman holding up a small yellow waxed paper wrapped sandwich from behind the counter. A hand shot up from the right side of the huddled mass and a small voice proclaimed, “here.”

In the madness of the lunch rush, the manager paused for a moment to let her gaze settle on the two boys standing before her. Passing off the sandwich to the clerk to be bagged, she followed with the order, “Give them two a couple of cookies for having to wait.” They hadn’t really waited; I knew that. They knew that, too. I looked carefully at her. She hadn’t rewarded them for waiting; it was for something more, something completely different.

Three things about them were obvious. One, they were going to share that burger. Two, they had no money for a drink or fries. And three, they were very nervous in that crowd of hunger-crazed adults. Still, they had been courageous in spite of their discomfort pushing through it to get something they wanted. Was that what she had seen? A couple of timid shaking kids who braved the mad lunch rush to share a burger? Perhaps she wanted to bolster their spirit? Or maybe she saw something of herself or someone close to her in them? I’m not sure, but whatever it was it hadn’t been enough to keep her interest as they turned to walk away. She didn’t get to see them beaming with the joy that replaced their anxiety, nor did she get to see the confident stride patterned in their steps as they strutted out the door. But, I did. And, indeed, their bravery had been rewarded.

It is a simple and yet so complicated thing that one of our biggest challenges will be to push past is our own apprehensions. At one time or another, any one of us may find ourselves in a similar circumstance. That place where our path to something promised or desired is blocked by fear or doubt making the battlefield within our mind.

There are times I find myself questioning the things that God has set before me. I sense the criticism rise up inside of me and often I agree with it. And yes, sometimes it is true. However, because I can’t see the way God does I should not be quick to doubt Him or the things He has promised. It simply means I should push past doubt or fear and move toward those things He has spoken.

The New Year has been ushered in and it has just begun gathering momentum. It will, without doubt, have its share of trials and challenges. And, just as those two boys had their discouragements to face I will also have days of feeling lost, days when I don’t have enough for the things ahead, and days when I feel incredibly small and totally insignificant. But, the thing I hope to carry into this New Year is to remember to find courage in the midst of my trial, because behind the scene the boss is working and if I can push through and make it to that place of standing before Him, my reward will be in His hand.

—Mindy Whipple

December 2012 Events Calendar

Sure you can keep up with our events online, but sometimes it’s nice to have a copy to hang on the fridge! Hit the button below to download the latest FAC Events Calendar:

[button url=”/uploads/December_2012.pdf” arrow=”right”]December 2012 Events[/button]

Looking for a Church?

Deciding what local church you and your family will attend is one of the most important spiritual decisions a person will ever make!  Moving to a new area, seeking a deeper walk with God or answering the Spirit’s call to re-prioritize are a few of the most common reasons a person would be looking for a church home.  If you and your family are trying to find God’s will concerning a new church home, here are five questions to keep in mind:

1. Is the Spirit Moving and Working?

I believe there is a deep yearning in the heart of most people for the presence of God.  Statistics across all denominations confirm this notion.  When polling people who are leaving churches, the number one reason given for their departure is, “I don’t feel God there.”  Most people find dull, boring or mechanical churches services unappealing.  People are generally attracted to a church where they can feel the presence of God and engage with God’s Spirit through meaningful worship.  Jesus promised that where we are gathered together in His Name, He will be there with us.  Paul told the Corinthians that, when the church comes together, we can expect a demonstration of God’s Spirit through the Gifts of the Spirit.  Miracles of healing, deliverance and salvation were the norm in the New Testament Church and should be the norm in present day.  Is God’s Spirit moving and working in the church you’re considering? That is an important question to answer when considering a church home.

2. Is there a Commitment to Biblical, Relevant Preaching and Teaching?

Jesus taught that the Truth is what would make us free.  There is a relentless attempt of the enemy and our secular culture to water down the Word of God.  Trying to make the Word of God palatable to the tastes of secular critics is counter-productive.  While we should always be respectful and loving to all, we must have an unwavering commitment to the “faith that was once delivered unto the saints.”  Is the church you’re considering standing for truth or trying to appease its secular surroundings?  That is an important question to answer.

Not only should preaching and teaching be Biblical, but it should be relevant.  Relevant preaching and teaching helps us find our gifts and equips us to serve.  Does the church you are considering offer relevant insight into being a disciple of Jesus Christ in the 21st Century?  Do the messages “hit home?”  Is the pastor sensitive to what God’s Spirit is saying?  Do you ever wonder, “How did he know about what’s going on in my life?”  How the Word of God is impacting people in the congregation is a consideration of utmost importance.

3. Does the Church Have an Outward Focus?

Jesus called us to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.”  Is the local congregation you are considering for a church home fulfilling this Great Commission?  Are they reaching out to their community with the gospel?  Is there a relentless passion to help lost people find Jesus Christ?  Do they demonstrate God’s love through acts of compassion and relief?  Are they involved in homeless ministry, feeding the poor and ministering to those in shelters, crisis centers and prisons?

Is there a heartbeat for World Missions in the church?  Our responsibility is to more than just our immediate surroundings.  Does the church support overseas missions?  Do they promote visiting and giving financially to orphanages, Bible schools and endeavors around the world?

Too many churches have become inward focused.  Their energies and resources are directed primarily to people who are already in the church.  Inward focused churches are dying churches!  Make sure the church you are considering plugging into is a church with a vision beyond its four walls.

What is a sure sign that a church has an outward focus? – When that church places a great emphasis on helping its members discover their ministries and empowering them for service. The only way to fulfill the Great Commission is to equip and release people to do the work of ministry.  A pastor and handful of paid staff cannot accomplish all that God has called the church to do.  You need to be in a church where there is an opportunity for personal involvement in ministry.

4.  Is There a Focus on Children and Young People?

If you are a young family with children or teenagers then, obviously, finding a church with great children’s and teen’s ministries is a priority.  But even if you don’t personally have children, finding a church with a healthy focus on young people and children is still important.  Regardless of your age, you want to attend a church with a great youth ministry.   A church that invests heavily in children and teens is a church that is full of life!  Children and teens add flavor, excitement and enthusiasm.  Furthermore, a church that is geared toward youth is a church that is thinking and planning for the future.  So it’s not just about whether you personally have children.  A church with a healthy youth ministry should be a sign to you – this is a church with a future!

5.  Is the Church Multicultural?

If everyone in the church you’re considering is exactly the same, beware!  The Antioch church in the Book of Acts was a diverse, multicultural church.  The Spirit of God breaks down racial and social barriers – It doesn’t build them up.  A local church made up of people of different nationalities, cultures, colors, economic statuses and religious backgrounds who are all worshiping together in love and unity is a church that is allowing the Holy Spirit to do its work!  When a person’s skin color, native language, bank account balance or educational background is a non-issue among members of a church, it speaks highly of the church and its love, vision and Kingdom focus.

I trust these questions will help you in your search for the right church.  Prayerfully seek God for His direction and guidance.  Once you find out where God wants to plant you then plug in, get involved and serve God and that local church with all your heart.

How Will I Vote?

My one and only post about the 2012 Presidential Election:

How will I vote?

I will vote for the candidate who most closely demonstrates and promotes biblical morals and values because righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverbs 14:34)

I will vote for the most pro-life candidate, because God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17).

I will vote for the most pro-marriage candidate, because God is for marriage as defined in Genesis 2:24.

I will vote for the most pro-Israel candidate, because God blesses those who bless Israel & curses those who don’t (Genesis 12:3).

I will vote for the most pro-debt reduction candidate, because the borrower is servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7).

I will vote for the candidate who best encourages initiative, responsibility of individuals and a strong work ethic because God says if a man will not work, let him not eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

I will vote for the candidate who most closely believes government’s purpose is to reward the good & punish the evil (Romans 13).

Please prayerful consider your choice and don’t forget to vote this Tuesday!

Prayer Revival Update

We just wrapped up a seven-week long Prayer Revival at FAC! We had great crowds turn out each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings during the entire Prayer Revival. It’s amazing the things that have already happened in our church and in people’s lives because of this season of focused prayer. Things happen when we pray! We know this is true, yet seeing it first hand is so encouraging and exciting.

We have already had testimonies of healing, renewal, restoration and deliverance in the last seven weeks. We have baptized seven people during the prayer revival including a local pastor who came to the revelation of Jesus Name Baptism and has since baptized others in his congregation in Jesus Name! People we haven’t seen or heard from in a long time have been back to church or shared with us that God has been drawing them back to Him. Everyone who has participated in Prayer Revival has grown closer to God and gone deeper in the Spirit. It has rekindled our prayer lives and our desire to spend time in the presence of God. The Prayer Revival has also brought fresh fire and passion to our church services. It’s truly amazing what happens when we pray.

While it was a sacrifice for those who gathered week after week, the investment has already paid off a thousand times over. And we are sure that many blessings and answers are still to come.

Even though our special prayer services have concluded, let us be diligent in keeping prayer a part of our daily lives. Even though we are not meeting at the church each night to pray together, don’t fail to spend time on your own each day in prayer and devotion. I trust the Prayer Revival’s most lasting impact will be that whetted our appetites for a deeper, more disciplined, daily prayer life.

—Pastor Ball