Deciding what local church you and your family will attend is one of the most important spiritual decisions a person will ever make! Moving to a new area, seeking a deeper walk with God or answering the Spirit’s call to re-prioritize are a few of the most common reasons a person would be looking for a church home. If you and your family are trying to find God’s will concerning a new church home, here are five questions to keep in mind:
1. Is the Spirit Moving and Working?
I believe there is a deep yearning in the heart of most people for the presence of God. Statistics across all denominations confirm this notion. When polling people who are leaving churches, the number one reason given for their departure is, “I don’t feel God there.” Most people find dull, boring or mechanical churches services unappealing. People are generally attracted to a church where they can feel the presence of God and engage with God’s Spirit through meaningful worship. Jesus promised that where we are gathered together in His Name, He will be there with us. Paul told the Corinthians that, when the church comes together, we can expect a demonstration of God’s Spirit through the Gifts of the Spirit. Miracles of healing, deliverance and salvation were the norm in the New Testament Church and should be the norm in present day. Is God’s Spirit moving and working in the church you’re considering? That is an important question to answer when considering a church home.
2. Is there a Commitment to Biblical, Relevant Preaching and Teaching?
Jesus taught that the Truth is what would make us free. There is a relentless attempt of the enemy and our secular culture to water down the Word of God. Trying to make the Word of God palatable to the tastes of secular critics is counter-productive. While we should always be respectful and loving to all, we must have an unwavering commitment to the “faith that was once delivered unto the saints.” Is the church you’re considering standing for truth or trying to appease its secular surroundings? That is an important question to answer.
Not only should preaching and teaching be Biblical, but it should be relevant. Relevant preaching and teaching helps us find our gifts and equips us to serve. Does the church you are considering offer relevant insight into being a disciple of Jesus Christ in the 21st Century? Do the messages “hit home?” Is the pastor sensitive to what God’s Spirit is saying? Do you ever wonder, “How did he know about what’s going on in my life?” How the Word of God is impacting people in the congregation is a consideration of utmost importance.
3. Does the Church Have an Outward Focus?
Jesus called us to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” Is the local congregation you are considering for a church home fulfilling this Great Commission? Are they reaching out to their community with the gospel? Is there a relentless passion to help lost people find Jesus Christ? Do they demonstrate God’s love through acts of compassion and relief? Are they involved in homeless ministry, feeding the poor and ministering to those in shelters, crisis centers and prisons?
Is there a heartbeat for World Missions in the church? Our responsibility is to more than just our immediate surroundings. Does the church support overseas missions? Do they promote visiting and giving financially to orphanages, Bible schools and endeavors around the world?
Too many churches have become inward focused. Their energies and resources are directed primarily to people who are already in the church. Inward focused churches are dying churches! Make sure the church you are considering plugging into is a church with a vision beyond its four walls.
What is a sure sign that a church has an outward focus? – When that church places a great emphasis on helping its members discover their ministries and empowering them for service. The only way to fulfill the Great Commission is to equip and release people to do the work of ministry. A pastor and handful of paid staff cannot accomplish all that God has called the church to do. You need to be in a church where there is an opportunity for personal involvement in ministry.
4. Is There a Focus on Children and Young People?
If you are a young family with children or teenagers then, obviously, finding a church with great children’s and teen’s ministries is a priority. But even if you don’t personally have children, finding a church with a healthy focus on young people and children is still important. Regardless of your age, you want to attend a church with a great youth ministry. A church that invests heavily in children and teens is a church that is full of life! Children and teens add flavor, excitement and enthusiasm. Furthermore, a church that is geared toward youth is a church that is thinking and planning for the future. So it’s not just about whether you personally have children. A church with a healthy youth ministry should be a sign to you – this is a church with a future!
5. Is the Church Multicultural?
If everyone in the church you’re considering is exactly the same, beware! The Antioch church in the Book of Acts was a diverse, multicultural church. The Spirit of God breaks down racial and social barriers – It doesn’t build them up. A local church made up of people of different nationalities, cultures, colors, economic statuses and religious backgrounds who are all worshiping together in love and unity is a church that is allowing the Holy Spirit to do its work! When a person’s skin color, native language, bank account balance or educational background is a non-issue among members of a church, it speaks highly of the church and its love, vision and Kingdom focus.
I trust these questions will help you in your search for the right church. Prayerfully seek God for His direction and guidance. Once you find out where God wants to plant you then plug in, get involved and serve God and that local church with all your heart.
As an Army family when we were looking to PCS/Relocate to the Carmel/Indpls area, my dear friend gave me FAC’s website. The fact that it is a multi cultrual Church was exactly what my family was looking for. We decided to visit.
What sealed the deal as that Pastor Palmer & Sis Palmer ARE running a DYNAMIC Super CHURCH! Where our daughter who was 5 years old at the time time was saved & filled with the EVIDENCE of Speaking in Tounges @ a Vacation Bible School and baptised on VBS Sunday! TO GOD BE THE GLORY.
I know we are where GOD wants us to be in a caring, loving, Spirit filled church. Learning more, seeking more growing deeper in Him. Pastor Ball wants us to grow and not br stagnant, to learn our gifts and USE them.
This is TRULY THE FRIENDLIEST, Welcoming Church in Indiana.
I truly LOVE my FAC Family.
Sis. Tabatha
Hi, i have reading out and i will definitely bookmarrk your site, just wanted to say i liked this article.
Lovely website, but how can you talk about the importance of a multi-cultural church when all of the leadership look pretty much alike – at least in skin color? I am really not trying to be mean, but I was looking for churches in the area and came across this site. I was intrigued about the multicultural part, but now I am honestly confused. How are you a multicultural church?
Great comment. Thank you. We are a church with over 12 nationalities represented in our membership. The pictures on our site are not a reflection of that. Thank you for pointing that out. We will make changes so that our pictures more accurately reflect a good cross-section of our congregation.
– Pastor Ball