On January 1st – 11th, 2013, A group of 37 people, including 7 from Faith Apostolic Church traveled to Uganda to conduct a Vacation Bible School at the orphanage that our church is connected with in Kachomo.
Our Ugandan Vacation Bible School mission has now been completed and I want to report that the Lord is doing a great work in that nation! Our prayer going into this mission was that God would pour out His Spirit and that He would use us to see the orphans and the people of Uganda get baptized in Jesus’ Name. By the end of the week, our team was blessed with the opportunity to baptize 209 souls in Jesus’ Name. Many of the 209 people baptized were children and orphans who are attending our newly-built Hope Refuge School in the village of Kachomo.
Every year our team raises funds and awareness of the work that is going on in Uganda. This year we were able to raise 42,000 dollars. These funds will go toward meeting many of the needs of the orphans, teachers and churches in eastern Uganda. More specifically, the funds will put concrete on the floors in our existing buildings at the school and build one or two new building on the twenty-five-building complex. The funds also helped us purchase more farm land around the school. Our team has also been in contact with a NGO, which is similar to a not-for-profit in the USA that is called “Farming God’s Way.” This NGO will teach and train the leaders working with Bishop Wayabire on how to farm and cultivate the land to maximize a greater yield of crops. One of our goals is to get the school in Kachomo to a point where they are self-sustaining. Once this training and farming is completed, the farm will begin to produce food to feed the children attending our school.
The 42,000 dollars donated also funded the launching of a sponsorship program called “Helping Hands.” We currently have thirty-six children
sponsored at thirty-five dollars a month. This program has been a tremendous blessing to the orphans. I want to personally say thank you to all the sponsors we already have. However, we are looking to sponsor an additional fifty children in 2013. Thirty-five dollars a month will help feed and clothe them as well as send the child to school. This is a great way for you to make a difference in a child’s life and help our ALJC of Uganda work!
God did so many wonderful things on this missions trip. Of course the greatest thing was God pouring out His Spirit and moving on the hearts of the people to get baptized. I also want to share a testimony of how great our team was this year when it came to reaching souls. One night we were all back at the hotel in Kampala and our guest speaker this year, Sis. Vickie Oliver, was using her phone outside of the public restroom. She heard a lady yelling for help from the restroom. She was locked in the restroom and unable to get out! Sis. Oliver came and got me and we went to get the hotel manager to help the lady get out of the stall. The young lady was able to get out. We felt bad for her so we pitched in and bought her dinner. While she was eating, we all sat down with her and gave her a Bible study about being born again. She stopped eating and we prayed for her. Then one of our team members compelled her to get baptized that night at the hotel. She agreed to be baptized so we took her to one of the rooms. The ladies prayed for her and, before she got baptized, she was filled with the Holy Ghost. Taylor Fairbanks then baptized her in the bathtub in Jesus’ Name. Our team was so excited that they decided to go witness to one of the hotel workers. They prayed with her, God filled her with the Holy Ghost and they took her to the room and baptized her in Jesus’ Name! All of this happened on the last night of our trip. We all believed it was the Lord just stirring our hearts again to reach souls all over the world no matter what the cost.
Thank you again for all your prayers and to all the churches and individuals who were able to give to our Hope Refuge School in 2012. If you would like to give to the orphanage in Uganda, you can do so on this website under our online giving section.
We are looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in Africa this year! God bless you.
– Pastor Josh Wilson
Thanks, Josh for heading up our partnership with Bishop Wayabire and the work in Uganda. It’s incredible to see what God is doing there. Our lives will never be the same because of our connection to these awesome people.
Pastor I appreciate all you do in various ministries, especially in Uganda. I have a heart for the lives of so many young people being changed and baptized in Jesus Name. GOD ~ BLESS YOU PASTOR JOSH ~ TROY ~AKA`TUTLE